Avast Free huge in MB?


The size in C Drive is 357 MB. Is that considered a normal size?

I remember using previous versions being not as huge although there are now lots of more features in it. I also remember that one could clear both aswAR1 (log) and setup (log) but can’t find them in the latest version of Avast.

Is cleaning out some redundant data useful and if so what can be deleted safely?


In terms of a modern resident antivirus I would say it isn’t unusual.

The way avast works it will fluctuate in size as it periodically carries out its own house keeping. So I wouldn’t recommend trying to delete anything, the fact that you may well bump into the avast self-defence module.

My current size is 351MB, when you consider that just the virus definitions runs at around 126MB unpacked (this will also grow) and at any time

Hard drive space now on a modern system 350MB is a drop in the ocean, if it isn’t then you are getting to the point where you would need to upgrade your hard drive. Any less than 15% free space windows has a fit and won’t even do a defrag, certainly that will cause performance issues if the drive is fragmented.

The aswAR1.log can get a bit large (nothing much on my system 2,552KB), but deleting it will achieve nothing as it is the anti-rootkit scan log and the next time it is run that log is likely to be recreated, it is overwritten and not a cumulative log.

Thank you DavidR for responding. Glad to hear that it is common to have this 357 MB for Avast! Free. I’ll leave everything like is. Have plenty of space left.

PS: I remember the old Avast! free (4.8? or something like that) which looked like a radio and of course things have changed a lot since then.

Just on point, I’m sitting at 512MB with Avast Pro. and that’s a little higher right now as Avast Pro usually sits at around 465MB.

Same thing here, but running AIS suite. 662 MB on disk. More features, more space, generally.

Since I have only 5 shields running and streaming updates only I didn’t think the total MB of 357 would not be that high. Declined also the updates feature as I’m always on top of updates and do them manually.

It depends on what you choose to install…mine Avast Free is 336mb
Avast is installed and it also keep the installation files in the same directory so if something go wrong,to be able to fix the problems

186mb setup and 150mb avast

Does it even matter? 1TB drives cost like 50-60 EUR. 300MB is like 1/3 of a gigabyte. And 1GB is 1/1000 of a TB. So do the math…

Since v6 or v7 avast! uses more disk space to increase the computer performance. It’s a small price to pay to get a faster computer.
Also, malware creators are doing very hard and the virus definitions are taking more and more space.
But like RejZor said, does it really matter?

Thanks to all of you who have responded. The reason for me asking if Avast! free MB use on my PC was to find out if the size of it was normal or not. You all responded yes so case is closed. :slight_smile:

Well, do you see .dump files into the ProgramData\Avast Software\ folders? If so, could have a problem with your installation that is using/wasting space.

I think that the file types would be .mdmp and whilst they can get very large, the fact that the OP only had 357MB (at the time of asking) that is unlikely to be much of an issue.

Most modern day pc’s come standard with 500GB hard drives or larger. I myself have a 750GB hard drive with 500+GB free. So 370MB is nothing to worry about.