Avast Free - license expired

My license expired last week and I can NOT renew it.
When I use the “Register now” button on the “registration screen,” it brings up a message box that says loading and then the box disappears.
If I opt to “use a web form” from the registration screen, I get redirected to a page that says Avast doesn’t need to be registered and will continue to work, even if expired …

Well NO it WONT,

Every time I start my computer I get a message that there are new definitions to download but when I try to download them it fails with a message that “my license has expired”.

My setup: WinXP/Avast 9.0.x

I know its old, I did update it at one stage but had all sorts of problems, so I downgraded to this version and have had no problems until now.

What do I have to do to keep getting the new definitions?

  • Regarding XP - which SP…?
  • Does your CPU support SSE2…?

XP service Pack 3.

SSE2: not sure, but I think that was the problem I had before.

OK, see: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=164936.msg1322691#msg1322691

In case your CPU supports SSE2, you can try the latest version for XP.


If I do install Avast 10.4, what do I do about the license?
If it is the same as 9.0, it won’t download definitions without a license.

If I can get a license for 10.4, why cant I get one for 9.0?

You’re welcome.

Be patient, there are only a few helpers for XP left and probably none with V9 of Avast…

Hello mattrix!

This key should work approx. until end of May 2020.

Best regards!


Thank you INGBEAN,

That worked, though I wish I had read the link before I applied the license. I don’t know if it has been more than 10 days or not.

On the other hand, in addition to the expired message, Avast was reporting that all my shields were off and it would not allow me to enable them, so I was more than happy to apply the license and investigate later.