I want to know if this combination is ok to use on my home pc?
im running the latest versions of all. I don’t have sandbox enabled in avast, and scanning for pups is on for the 3 shields. I downloaded malwarebytes as just an onsite program, so it wont be running concurrently. then finally I replaced windows firewall with comodo. as it scans incoming and outgoing. again all free versions. making sure to do the custom installations of all I could to only get antivirus, antimalware, and a firewall.
NOTE** a lot of these programs nowadays like to include special offers, trials, and other gadgets and services that you may not want lol
would like some info if anyone has any experience on these!
avast and mbam is fine and a good combo
if you use removable drives i would add MCShield. www.mcshield.net it is a install and forget program that you wont notice is there
ty for the response, im removing comodo putting windows firewall back on and installing that mcshield is there anyway i should configure avast and m-bytes?
Unless you feel you’re experiencing conflict, the ‘Default’ setting should be fine.
As well, I understand you don’t have MBAM running real time (Just on demand scanning) so you should be good to go
it use no system recourse as it is dormant untill a usb storage device is plugged in
the only thing you notice is a popup when turning on your machine (can be turned off) and a popup when a usb storage device is plugged in … and sometimes a update popup
it will scan root of the device for malwaretypes that use usb to spread
frequently used by this forums malware removal team for cleaning infected usb stick