Avast Free/Pro/IS efficiency comparison

Can someone competent (ex. Vlk) describe main differences between the Free and PRO version?
They decide whether to buy or stay for Free, which I think is very good.
Sandbox features (manual) it is very interesting. I still wondering if the Pro version is more efficient to scanning viruses, or has same kernel.
IS version also contains essentially only a firewall and antispam?
Honor your work, guys from Avast. They’re the first solution since 1990… Then it was worse, but the latest version is great.

nobody knows? ???

The scanning kernel is the same in all editions.
Besides the sandbox, the paid version also has the SafeZone (and the command-line scanner, but I suppose it’s not that interesting).

The AV engines are exactly the same along with the VPS updates, no difference at all between versions.
The manual sandbox is an addition for the Pro version along with safe zone
The firewall and anti-spam are added for the suite


I like avast! Pro

avast! Pro Antivirus is primarily designed for people who want to customize their security by combining multiple products (e.g., adding a firewall). Check the following comparison table to see how you can increase your protection with avast! Internet Security – the recommended product for people who shop and bank online


The major competitor of avast Pro is avast free :slight_smile:
It’s too good to be true :slight_smile: