Avast (free) program not auto updating

hi there i always have auto updates turned on for virus definitions and program updates.

Why is the program no longer auto updating current version 6.0.1000, it says new version available 6.0.1091

i also renumber it did not auto update from version 5.0.800 to 6.0.100 ( the update that added the sandbox ect) , i had to click update program, i few of my friends are also having the same problem , i have seen in other forums people are saying the same thing , is this a known problem ? :slight_smile: many thanks

Auto Updates are not performed right away as soon as they are available, they are staggered.
There are 125.000.000 Avast users worldwide, this could lead to exceeding server bandwidth if all tried to download at once.

So if you want it right away, just click on update program. 8)

many thanks for your reply ,

so if i don’t click the update button what is the time frame for the program to auto update itself ?

That I don’t know, sorry. I think it is something like 7 days after release as longest period.

The program updates only when a new release is ready. Definitions are updated about twice daily and are distributed according to server capabilities. And most use a manual update for the program and automatic for definitions.