Since the scare over the Zeus virus I have been running Avast in tandem with Rapport, alongside some other security software. The downside is extended boot times and crashes which may not be inter-connected. Some have the view that Rapport is far too “intrusive” for what it does and one is better off without it. >> $64 mill question: to what extent can Avast in its current form “clone” what Rapport does, or are the two quite separate in their function and the protection that they provide? If I give up Rapport am I exposing myself to bank account hackers etc?
Which version of avast are you using? Free, Pro, AIS? If using AIS there is no need for Rapport since AIS has Safezone.
Sorry I should have said Free v. 7.0.1426 [on XP]. I don’t know much about [AIS] safezones - are they the same as sandboxes and do they prevent folk “visiting” my online bank account like what I understand Trusteer Rapport does??
A.I.S. has a dedicated browser designed specifically for your banking and shopping.
I believe rapport has some anti keylogger and browser integrity check functions that avast free doesn’t have.
As has been said, with the dedicated isolated safezone browser in AIS there is probably no need for these (and anyway rapport won’t load into safezone, nor will any other browser security plug-in).
Safezone protects the browser it uses (Chromium) and prevents any keylogger access. Safezone costs, rapport is free. I couldn’t tell you which is better.
Your bank may have views on what security they prefer you to have of course, which I would guess may in some cases influence their opinion on whether you had taken reasonable steps should the worst happen.