Avast Free Smart Scan vs Full Virus Scan

I’ve read various forum responses on this seemingly simple question, but have found each confusing in their bringing in other factors, such as Smart Scan on the paid version. My Free version has Smart Scan, and it runs. And it is the featured scan: first one, its own unique style button, above the other options.

What is the difference, in Avast Free, between these two scans, in terms of (1) what they scan, and (2) relative duration of time to scan.

Thank you!

There really is no direct comparison.

Paid versions of avast may well run the Smart Scam, but many of the modules in the smart scan are for paid version of the type of scan, e.g. CleanUP, Ransomware, if you hadn’t paid for these modules, a free version would scan, but couldn’t actually do anything but report what it found and if you elected to Resolve it would point you towards a payment screen.

It would rather depend on what paid version Pro/AIS/Premier, etc.

Personally I don’t feel that the Smart Scan is that Smart. I tend to stay away from all on-demand scans (outside of beta testing and questions in the forums) including the Smart Scan.

See if this is of any help to you:

Good video Bob.
Also agree with David. I believe there is no real need to do a scheduled or manual virus scan these days. If I do one, then it would be a Full Scan, but only once in a blue moon or if I suspect something wrong.
Smart Scan was once a good and quick one-stop-shop scan but has been spoilt by excessive peddling of paid products of late.

I think it’s still a good quick scan but, as I point out in the video, if you’re using the free version simply dismiss any of the findings that pertain to
findings of paid parts of the product.

Thanks DavidR, I was hoping to avoid reference to the paid version, as this is not a factor for me. When I asked about the difference it is maybe a much simpler question: what each does (the same thing or different things, or one is more thorough, etc). When I do a smart scan it is finding any problems, even in the advanced section (which Bob explained specifically pertains to paid components).

Is there another kind of scan that is not a scheduled/manual scan? Or is your point that the automated background activity, even on the free version, catches all that a manual scan would already?

Thank you Bob for the video, it is very clear. Maybe the next time I worry about a possible infection I’ll go back to Full Scan and assume, if it takes longer, it is more thorough. (?) I do have an odd thing happening for which, between Avast and Malwarebytes I had hoped to catch. No luck…a bit worried. And thanks rocksteady, between the three of you I think I’m good to go.

By the way, I was not notified of these replies, and even after opening up the forum (logged in) I still found no evidence. Should I have received an email or a notification on my profile here? Even looking at the feed for this topic I couldn’t find my question, had to use search to find it. ??

By the way, I was not notified of these replies, and even after opening up the forum (logged in) I still found no evidence. Should I have received an email or a notification on my profile here?
Lower right of your post has a [b]Notify[/b] button ... if you click that i guess you recive a mail (never used it)
Even looking at the feed for this topic I couldn't find my question, had to use search to find it. ??
If you click your forum name, then on left side you should see a [b]show posts[/b] if that is what you where missing?

In all honesty in an on-access antivirus, on-demand scans are much depreciated (I would say the same for the smart scan, but it also scans other areas, network scan, plus scan for outdated software), aside from these the other elements are more sales tools.

With a resident (on-access) scanner the need for on-demand scans is much depreciated. For the most part dormant/inert files are being scanned, the other active files are going to be scanned by the resident shields when they are activated.

Given your other comment “I do have an odd thing happening for which, between Avast and Malwarebytes I had hoped to catch. No luck…a bit worried.”

Is there something specific that we can help you with ?

Thank you Pondus, though I just see that “notify” option. I’m using a computer browser, if that makes a difference.

DavidR… thanks for clarifications and an offer to hear my other odd thing. I’ve researched quite a bit on this and am not getting useful info. Randomly I see a small window (maybe 2X4 inches --not centered and when using any program-- on my 17in screen, windows 8.1) flash for truly a split second. It appears to have some small amount of text (flashes too fast to be sure). After it flashes, the window of whatever program I was using is no longer active, rather the desktop is.

I believe (but can’t be sure) that another anomalous thing began happening around the same time (months ago) as this, which happens only once every couple of months: I find my laptop awake when I go to wake it in the morning. I generally only restart about weekly. The last time I found my computer like this I immediately checked disk and wifi activity on task manager. Disk was low and wifi had been active, but also relatively low. And that’s it!

You’re welcome.

Unfortunately the small random off centre very short duration window is a bit of a mystery to me. Whilst I have a laptop, it is win10, but for me it is my secondary system, so it generally isn’t open all of the time. Though when I open it up it requires a short press on the power button to bring it out of sleep.

Hibernate or sleep can also cause problems. If you want a seedy restart, shut down the computer.

If you want to totally reset, use the restart function. Restart needs to be used whenever you do any major updates.
A restart also takes much longer than a shutdown and boot up.

Thanks David and Bob for offering some tips!

You’re welcome. :slight_smile: