I have been watching the AVAST Antivirus program for several days now.
It seems to be causing major slowdows on my “normally pretty fast” machine.
As a test, I disabled P2P Shield and IM Shield…no performance increase at all…
Mail slow, Web Browser Slow, Bringing up programs, SLOW… hummmm
So as another test I started CCleaner, clicked on analyze and waited…
I waited 39 seconds for ccleaner to finish and be ready for me to Delete.
I then CLOSED Ccleaner and Totally Disabled AVAST Free for 10 Minutes.
I opened Ccleaner again and POOF…Program came right up…
I clicked on Analyze and POOF… Done in 0.56 seconds with the same delete list.
SO…I Booted the machine and went through the same procedure IN REVERSE…
With AVAST OFF, Ccleaner finished the analyze portion in 0.50- 0.56 seconds…
Turned on AVAST Free and Executed Ccleaner and once again…around 40 seconds to compile the delete list…
AVAST Free is a clean updated install, no tweaking, no parameter changes…
So what gives…
I don’t care to live with such slowdowns…
This is WAY too slow…
steverf my CCleaner opens fast and takes .21 to analyze with Avast on.
Maybe doing a re install of CCleaner would help. Do you have the latest
Did you recently install or upgrade ccleaner or avast?
What version of avast are you using.
Do you have any other security software on your machine? What other security software did you have on your machine prior to avast (including firewall)?
I do agree that doing a clean install of ccleaner is a good idea. If this does not correct your problem, please report back and respond to my questions so that we can help you. In addition, please report your OS with your security software. Thanks.
Thank you guys for your replies…
Things are better today, altho9ugh not sure why…
Running Avast and Malwarebytes
Here is some data:
Avast: 5.0.545
Malwarebytes: 1.46
CCleaner: 2.32.1165
What I saw in Task Manager after a Boot: Malwarebytes was using 15-30% CPU but sporadic and settled after a bit.
Avast was not busy. Starting a program caused Malwarebytes to go nuts again… Avast seemed stable with low to zip CPU usage. Now I started suspecting Malwarebytes.
I Stopped and closed everything I could, including Avast and Malwarebytes, did a Deep Optimize Defrag with “Defraggler” from the CCleaner folks… Took a long time… hours on a large heavily used drive.
Shut down computer for the night.
Next morning… all seems OK… No high usage from Avast or Malwarebytes.
CCLeaner runs in .4 to .5 seconds after a couple of hours usage.
Now I am “perplexed”… Jumped the gun to blame Avast (Which I picked over AVG…smile)
At this point I just would like to hear everyone’s opinions and I do appreciate every one of them !
Many Thanks
Perdido Beach, AL (Oil on the Beach Here…bah Humbug)
Yes, running XP Pro with all service packs.
Core 2 Quad, 4 gig mem, EVGA 260 video.
Second drive has Win7 64 and have not installed Avast or Malwarebytes yet.
All seems to be running ok now. Not sure why…
Maybe I got an update yesterday and didn’t realize it?
I cannot imagine that the Super Defrag done last night changed anything concerning this problem.
Believe me, everything was running at a snails pace.
I am beginning to suspect Malwarebytes. It has done that (Runaway CPU usage) before, however, it seems to be very stable now and there has been no update with that product. Last night it sure seemed to be an Avast problem…
Guess I was too quick to blame Avast…
Whatever it was will happen again and I wish I coudl figure it out.
I think MBAM real time is causing your slowdown. If I was you I ll follow
Tech s suggestion of uninstalling MBAM and check to see if that is the
cause. If it is, then re install MBAM as a scanner only.
Are you Using Firefox??? CCleaner and firefox have some issues lately where it takes awhile to delete some …sq splite or something like that …I can’ tremember…Just a suggestion…
YoKenny… The Hive Process ? I am the only profile on the machine…
Do I really need that ?
Daris, Not using Firefox…ONly have IE… But I thank you.
I will definitely keep a watchfl eye on the MBam services. Right now all seems stable (After that deep defrag and multiple boot). Just not due what caused the problem in the first place now but I do believe that I have had an auto update to Avast during the trobled time.