Avast! Free UI crash.

Good day,my Avast Free UI is crashing after telling me that it blocked the connection to some https website because of certificate revocation after opening hxxps://ph.yahoo.com/?p=us .I attached a screen shot of the detection that causes my Avast UI to crash afterwards.Thanks.

Edit: i Also attached the Avast version that i am currently using.

Tried repair and reboot? >> https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/Repair-Antivirus

Thanks for the reply.Tried repair and reboot…sadly,still the same.

According to Firefox, the certificate has been revoked… ::slight_smile:

Having the same issue on 2 different computers - Avast periodically (15-20 minutes) just goes away. Only started happening about 3-4 days ago. Tried the same uninstall/reinstall process - made no difference.

Avast shouldn’t crash just by preventing a bad website!

Hi Wallofasgard2,
can you upload few dump files for analysis ?
Dump files are stored at "c:\Program Data\AVAST Software\Avast\log" folder. Select all files with *.mdmp mask.
Please create a zip files with all mdmp files, name it as Wallofasgard2_6_2019.zip and upload to avast ftp server. (https://support.avast.com/en-eu/article/FTP-file-upload)
Thank you for report !

Upload done. The file name is Wallofasgard2_6_2019.rar and the password for the archive is virus as stated on the instruction.Thanks. :slight_smile:

It is fixed in 19.6 version which will be released soon to public !

Good job! Protection increased, great!

Suggestion: Kill the live url by changing to hxxps://tag.sp.advertising.com/ so other users don’t hurt their avast installations too by inadvertently clicking it.

Click Modify on your previous posts to make the changes.

I have this version:
Release may 20. 2019
Ver. 19.5.2378 build 19.5.4444.506

It cannot solve the problem.

Hi chakspin
avast 19.6 release should start on 25.6 2019 !

Sorry, but 25/06 is today. :wink:

Still lots of time left in 25/6 depending on where you live :wink:

I think 19.6 just pushed through BC. Will reboot and update.


Updated to avast! free version 19.6.2383 (build 19.6.4546.494) and rebooted on my win10 system.

Thank you for the Avast program update 19.6. I can confirm that my UI crashing issue is now resolved.Thank you very much. :slight_smile: