(First post - I hope this is the right place, as I’m asking about Avast, rather than the virus I had; if not, please be gentle with me).
I had a file that Avast identified as containing the virus W32:Malware-Gen. I let it put this in the Virus Chest.
From here, I submitted it to VirusTotal, where 43 virus checkers, including Avast, pronounced it clean.
So: are files in the Virus Chest encoded such that their virusness is concealed, or should I be mystified by what VirusTotal reported?
I know there is some doubt whether W32:Malware-Gen is real or not, and only Avast reports it, and it’s probably something found by a heuristic rather than a specific signature.
But I had viruslike behaviour on my laptop, which stopped when the offending file was neutralised, so I have every reason to believe that Avast’s report was genuine, and so can’t quite understand VirusTotal’s results.