Avast Free: Virus Chest: Are files here encoded in any way?

(First post - I hope this is the right place, as I’m asking about Avast, rather than the virus I had; if not, please be gentle with me).

I had a file that Avast identified as containing the virus W32:Malware-Gen. I let it put this in the Virus Chest.

From here, I submitted it to VirusTotal, where 43 virus checkers, including Avast, pronounced it clean.

So: are files in the Virus Chest encoded such that their virusness is concealed, or should I be mystified by what VirusTotal reported?

I know there is some doubt whether W32:Malware-Gen is real or not, and only Avast reports it, and it’s probably something found by a heuristic rather than a specific signature.

But I had viruslike behaviour on my laptop, which stopped when the offending file was neutralised, so I have every reason to believe that Avast’s report was genuine, and so can’t quite understand VirusTotal’s results.

Yes, the files in Chest are certainly encrypted (if you really submitted the file from the Chest folder inside of avast!'s data folder - the file’s name being 00000001 or something similar).
You’d have to extract the file from the Chest somewhere (using the “extract” option - which does the decoding) - and then submit that file to VT.