OK - 20 days ago I got rid of MS Security Essentials and downloaded Avast. I was offered to use Avast Internet Security for 20 days for free; this period has just ended. I had to choose whether I want to switch back to Avast Free or purchase Avast Internet Security; I chose to switch to Avast Free. I was astonished when I learned that the antispam module is still running - moreover, when I switched it off, Avast stated that my system isn’t fully protected and if I want to have my mails filtered against spam I should switch the antispam module on immediately. What’s more, I can also switch to SafeZone whenever I want to. I can’t, however, switch firewall on - when I try to do it, I learn then the module can’t be switched on, because it’s inaccessible. I find it quite confusing that my Windows XP Home still claims that the firewall of Avast is on.
I have to say I’m totally confused. If I’m using Avast Free at the moment - and, according to the program’s main window, I am - why on Earth may I use antispam and SafeZone? It doesn’t make any sense to me.
I am sorry if I’ve made any mistakes in this post, as I am not native to English. I’m also afraid that I may have not translated the program’s communicates accurately. I use Polish version of Avast and thus I’m only able to guess the communicates’ original form.
Thanks in advance for explaining this problem to me,