Avast Free Zero Day Protection

I realize that Avast Pro is going to provide better across the board overall protection from zero day exploits, but I would like to know what kind of protection the free version provides in this area. I run 3 PCs equipped with Windows XP, including a P4, a core 2 duo, and a 1st gen i3. All 3 are rigged with XP SP3, and I don’t plan to migrate when April 8 arrives. mostly because of the wealth of knowledge I have gained over the years about XP. I feel good about the decision for the time being, but I am a little bit concerned about talk on some message boards that ZD protection coming from security software cannot possibly measure up to the security updates from Windows.

I am also running PrivateFirewall, which I have very much grown to appreciate over the last several months. Hopefully, I will be in a position to upgrade to the Pro version of Avast soon, but, for the time being, is there major cause for concern and/or action here?

I realize that Avast Pro is going to provide better across the board overall protection from zero day exploits, but I would like to know what kind of protection the free version provides in this area.
avast compare http://www.avast.com/en-eu/compare-antivirus

All Pro has over the free version is Safezone if you need the banking protection, Virus and spyware protection is exactly the same.

The detection rates are the same whether you use Free, Pro, AIS, or Premier.
Each version uses the same definitions and scanning engines.
The only differences are the “extras” (i.e.; firewall, safezone, on-demand sandbox, etc.)

avast! stops all known versions of Cryptolocker. The avast! AutoSandbox will stop new ZERO day versions as well. The free version does NOT have the AutoSandbox, and therefore, IMHO, is not the version that should be used. Remember, AutoSandbox is also the ONLY thing between us, and Polymorphic infection!


J.R. “AutoSandbox Guy” Guthrie

“At this point in time, the Internet should be regarded as an Enemy Weapons System!”

Don’t you mean the avast free version does not have an on demand sandbox :wink: