Avast! Freezes Upon Running It [Happened only once so far for unknown reasons]

This is just an odd report I figure should be added even though this occurrence seemed to have only happened once for unexplainable reasons. Basically a while ago, after booting my PC up, I tried running avast! manually (aka getting to through the memory scan to the GUI), although suddenly it would not execute the memory scan and would instead just sit there waiting to enter it forever. I tried to skip the memory scan but it would not respond even after waiting for a considerable amount of time. Then suddenly after a while it proceeded with skipping the memory scan and the avast! GUI popped up. I tried doing this again and it happened yet again where it did not respond for a long amount of time until I repeatedly clicked the skip button and waited. Observing the avast! process in task manager showed it to not be responding at all during these wait periods.

A simple reboot did resolve this issue though, so unfortunately I cannot do anymore testing to try and reproduce it as it was quite sudden. I did notice though that when my PC was in the process of shutting down when I did that reboot, it took significantly longer than usual for some reason and stuck at the “Shutting Down” message for quite some time. This issue has not happened to me before with any of the previous versions, and even though I’ve been recently using 4.8.1178, nothing wrong has happened until now.

For the prolonged shutdown and for the unusual avast occurrences have you checked the system event viewer options and the avast log viewer for any events or errors recorded?

I tried checking for that, but strangely enough nothing shows up on the avast! log or on the event viewer for Windows either.

If this happens again, can you please try to dump the frozen process? The necessary tool is linked here.
I suppose that the splash-screen window was still visible - since you tried to click the Stop button, so the right process to dump would be ashAvast.exe.