Avast freezes

When avast detects a virus I get the pop up asking what I want it to do (delete,move to chest, etc.) and when I click on one of them it freezes my computer up

I already downloaded the pre-released updated version

plus I turned OFF the Zone Alarm and it still froze up on me when it detected a virus

Modelsfan, do you have the name and the path of the infected file?
Do you got the name of the virus?
Which is your operational system?

Are you using Windows XP?
Can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning
Select for scanning archives.

Can you test and see what you get?

The virus are usually in my “Temporary Internet files folder” and im usually on the internet at the time

I am using Windows 98SE

I also have a 1.5 GHZ AMD Athlon Processor and 786 MB of RAM

I didnt have a problem with it until I updated it from version 4.1 to 4.6

using 4.1 it never froze up on me

and it shows I cant do a schedule boot-time scan

To clean “Temporary Internet files folder” go to Internet explorer >Tools > Internet options > Delete files > Click delete all offline content (just to be sure) > click ok.
It might take some time to delete them.

Try the following, please: open the file \Data\avast4.ini, find the [AAVM] section and put the following line there:

Does it help?

and it shows I cant do a schedule boot-time scan
Ofcourse you can't. This is only possible on a NT based system not on Windows 9x / ME systems.