Avast-fss not running on centos 6.6

Hello evryone,
I just purchased and installed Avast-fss for Linux. Avast is running well so I can execute “scan” on my files but when I try to start the fss service i get this:

Starting avast-fss:/bin/avast-fss: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.13’ not found (required by /bin/avast-fss)

Libc 2.12 should be the last supported version on Centos 6.6 (isnt’it ?) so I can solve the problem?
thank you

If glibc 2.12 is the latest version that is supported, you are out of luck.
avast does (as it clearly says) version 2.13

So there’s no way around this problem? I payed for the license and this should be clearly stated as system requirement. It’ 6.6 release, not so old to be an expected behaviour.


thank you

Upgrade CentOs and everything should work.

avast-fss works only on RHEL/CentOS 7 systems. See the technical documentation: