It would be more useful on Avast gadget to have “disable all shields” function (when you click the gadget’s laptop icon). Now it opens the Avast GUI interface, which clicking the tray icon also does, so there’s no any extra value on the gadget for this matter. I remember Avast used to have this disabling option before. Please change this option back.
Right-click the icon, look for Avast Shields Control and its submenus.
Edit: OOPS, I confused your question about the gadget with the tray icon. Sorry, ignore the above.
Why are you having to disable the shields? Just curious. I never seem to need to do so, even with programs whose installers recommend it.
Well, i disable shields for example when i defrag or when i’m installing Windows updates. Or sometimes for troubleshooting purposes. I just think the gadget would be more useful this way, rather than just opening the GUI, which is quick to do anyway.
You can disable shields from the avast tray icon - no need to open the avastUI, right click the tray icon to see the options…
For the examples you give I don’t disable avast.
I know this. It’s still behind few steps. One click option would be nice. Basicly i’m talking of making the GADGET more USEFUL.
The only reason I mention it is that the windows gadget is much depreciated since Microsoft essentially stopped any further development for the gadget interface. This was down to possible vulnerability/security risk, so I rather doubt avast are going to be bringing any new gadget out when MS no longer support it.
Yeah i know this gadget problem. Ok, good to know.
You’re welcome.