After installing Avast free on my Win 7 Home Premium x64 I have encountered problems with gadgets. They can suddenly cease working and often no gadgets are displayed. I can’t access the gadget settings. Nothing happens if I click Gedgets in the control panel or from the desktop popup menue.
This wouldn’t happen to occur after running an avast program update would it ? if so it’s an old problem and rebooting the system will usually fix the broken side gadgets.
As mentioned previously MS do not support the Gadgets anymore and the recommendation is to disable the sidebar.
Rebooting has only fixed the broken gadgets once. Mostly I don’t have my gadgets any more. I find the gadgets useful and havn’t heard about MS not supporting them. They are part of Win 7 which is supported. And btw just visting a web page can be a security risc have I heard.
I’ve seen this issue on a number of computers. To resolve the issue open up Avast!/Security/BehaviorShield/Settings/TrustedProcesses. Now browse to your Programs Files and select the Windows Sidebar folder and then select sidebar.exe.
Don't get excited, there are no gadgets in avast! 2014
I’m not excited just stating facts. There are Gadgets in the released versions of Avast Bob. Gadgets are a waste of resources anyway. When Microsoft says that they are a security risk , I listen. I believe that Rainmeter skins are just as risky as all they are is a giant Gadget. I have never used either.