Not impressed, so much for Anti-Virus or any other Avast product!
Pleased I switched to Linux Mint, but not pleased your own systems were compromised.
You should have known better.
Nothing is ever 100% secure.
Agree! Nothing online is ever 100% secure, but it has taken this long to find out.
Hack dated May 2014, only hearing about it now.
Hope this will help to understand@IanDSamson
Less than 0.2% of our 200 million users were affected. No payment, license, or financial systems or other data was compromised
Thank you. No problem.
Yes, we all know about this. Equally unimpressed with LM about it.
The team has put corrective action into place.
The hack also had nothing to do with Avast. It was the forum.
It still wasn’t nice but was very quickly taken care of.
i had my account info stolen from the patreon hack back last november. Its not alot of fun and sent me into a huge paranoia spiral which thankfully is almost settled down. though most they did was log into my facebook and change the input layout from UK to US. just so long as you dont overuse the same password everywhere and use a totally different long complex password and 2 step authentication for the most important stuff like your e-mail , paypal and anywhere people can access your money (steam, ebay, amazon etc) you should be fine