I think when ever avast hardened mode popup is triggered. It should give us users an option to submit the detected files as malicious or false positives. this would help improve the detection of malicious files and help build the file reputation. We should have tick boxes right on the pop-up to submit files as malicious or false positives. They only give us an exclude or close we need more options then that.
Submit to who?
If Avast
At the moment it requires a bit of effort on the part of a user to submit a file for checking, and that may have the effect of keeping it to a workable level. If it were made as easy as a single click, I can imagine the number of files being submitted becoming very high indeed, and regardless of how they would be checked, there would be a cost involved.
If VirusTotal (for instance)
The VirusTotal API conditions state in part "The public API is a free service, available for any website or application that is free to consumers. The API must not be used in commercial products or services, which would seem to rule it out of being used in the paid for Avast versions.
I’m not in any way associated with Avast. The above comments are simply my own thoughts. Your suggestion certainly would make things easier, but in todays world commercial viability has to be considered.
Hardened mode is for those users who lack knowledge on the safety of a file/software.
I don’t use hardened mode because I want control over what does or does not run on my
laptop. Hardened mode is an extra safety net for the user. You have the ability to disable
hardened mode at your convenience if you so desire. Disabling any module does come with risks
and responsibilities.
OT: Para-Noid the reason you don’t need Hardened mode is because you’ve already got D+ running