Avast! Hardened mode is blocking steam games (MMO) access to internet

okay, this is going to be long post, sorry about that.

i had problems with 3 steam games and they are all MMO games.
also all these 3 game use their own launcher to update the game, steam wont do it.

i dont remember how long i have these strange problems, but before (today) i realise that it was Avast! Hardened mode, what cause these problems, i was force to stop playing these 3 games.

(im pretty sure they started after i reinstall my Windows 7 and installed internet security first time)
there was about 1 or less years i was able to play these games without problems, i was probably using free version of avast and never even heard of Hardened mode, or is it self defence mode?.

The Secret World
also 1 small problem with world of tanks

i write all problems i remember even if all isint related to avast.

The Secret World

1.after starting game nothing happend, but TheSecretWorldDX11.exe was running in task manager.
i was able to solve that problem after i add all .exe files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Secret World to avast! file system shield exception list.

  1. i was unable to update the game, it could not check updates, and just keep giving me error messages in game launcher.
    i check game files by steam and it says there was no problems in them.
    i change all .exe files properties to run with admin rights, and after that didint help i give my current account full rights to game folder, wont work.
    so i add all .exe files in Avast! firewall program list and give them full rights. didint work.
    then i add game folder and .exe files in sandbox exception list, (this is what fix my problems with world of tanks) and all 3 list in settings - Antivirus list. didint work.
    so i surf in the internet and found fix and save it to txt file in desktop.

DefaultMy solution to the issues after patches

What i do whenever a new patch is out, i install it normally with the patcher.
I then enter the RDB folder, delete these files: Ie.idx, ie.idx.previous and RDBHashIndex.bin. Then i run Patchersetup.exe, not SetupPatcher.exe.
It will then install the latest launcher.
You then start the launcher, it will tell you the game is broken and that you should scan it for errors. Do so.
It will scan trough every RDB file and check for corrupted files and redownload them.
This way works, unlike the “Repair” function in the launcher itself.
Today after patch i did it, and i had to redownload 8gb of corrupted data inside the RDB files.
Last patch that was released i only had to redownload 3gb of data. This always brings it back fresh and smooth.
My client doesnt behave strange or crash anymore after patches or whatnot.
I started doing this after my client had crash issues after some patches ago and the tech people suggested doing it to fix the crashing."

3.now the update work but log in was bugged, i had to log in atleast 2 time before it accept my log in, then in chacter screen also 2 tries before it allow me to start acually playing.

4.i get infinite loading screen random times when trying to change area.
i was unable to fix this and stopped playing this game.

acually i dont even remember what problems i had with this and why i stopped playing this game, it had to be something big, because usually if i had just minor problems i just ingore them and stick with it. ::slight_smile:


1.same problem & fix as The Secret World 1.

2.also unable to update.
-check game files in steam, no problems.
-add all .exe files to Avast! firewall program list with full rights.
-add all .exe files and game folder to Settings - Antivirus exclusin list.
-add game folder to sandbox exclusion list

-disable Bulk Download in game launcher settings
“Bulk download makes fresh installs take much less time. it should be enabled unless you are having problems updating.”

-disable Multi-Threaded Rendering in game launcher settings.
“Aggressive download makes the update process use multiple parallel connections. It should be enabled unless you are having problems updating (typically caused by slow or unreliable internet connetions).”

-give admin rights every .exe file, and game folders.

still wont update.

3.i disable avast protection (all shields and firewall) and launch the game again.
and suddenly it start updating it self, turn them back on and launcher show me that “update failed” message again.
i checked again those .exe files in firewall, but they was still there with full rights,
also 0 blocked in firewall reports.
so i think this couple minutes and turn hardened mode/self defence off. (if i translate Itsepuolustus tila from finnish to english it is self defence mode, but in help file it is hardened mode).

i dont think i tried to play The Secret World without avast shields on, i was pretty paranoid then.
and with that world of tanks? nice automatic bugged sandbox.
“then i add game folder and .exe files in sandbox exception list, (this is what fix my problems with world of tanks)”

i have always be that Hardened mode set to Moderate, it should give me pop up if it block something, but it seems it have been blocking those games without them, i have never enable even the gaming/silence mode in Avast!. also my Avast! have been Always been protected with password, free and internet security

Hardened mode

i have try to play those games multiple times and install, repair & clean install avast multiple times because sometimes avast update just kill it own shields or failed to update itself after update, and i mean avast program update like in 2014.9.0.2011 to 2014.9.0.2013, so answer is NOT default “you installation have been corrupt, please follow the instructions to clean install”

now self defence mode/hardened mode is off and The Secret World, Rift and Warframe works fine without any problems.
i dont have world of tanks installed, i kind of bored to if after over 10 000 battles, but im pretty sure you have already fix that sandbox :slight_smile:

have i understanded something wrong, or isint that exclusion list in Settings - Antivirus include self defence/hardened mode?
if thats if something else, then im sorry.

i tried to add that picture here, without attach it to end of the message, but i cant figure out how to do it…

for some reason avast automatically delete EVERYTHING i tried manually add on that list.
it keeps there only those what i command it to add after it acually showed that pop up. MCShield files and game.exe file for game named Star Conflict also steam game/MMO, but without own launcher :wink:

cool, i used over 1 hour to write this nonsense,what everyone will just ingore ;D

oh, if you find “spelling” errors again and again, my mother language isint english.

Have you tried disabling Hardened Mode, while using the internet and the Steam Games?

As strange as it may seem, you may actually find that the Hardened Mode, Aggressive setting would be better.

well that is strange. i set Hardened Mode to aggressive and now those games launch & check update correctly, without errors as it did with moderate setting.
Thank You :slight_smile:

i also read that “Hardened Mode” post again and it seems i missed those parts where they (and you) write that aggressive should work better than moderate.

It is true for me, that ‘aggressive’ setting in Hardened Mode is indeed LESS intrusive with processes then set on “moderate” as this setting is/can be extremely interactive with pop-ups to set Exclusions.
I personally have Hardened Mode set on Moderate. :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Yes it is strange, but I think that is down to the checking against a cloud database (Reputation Services, I think) of known files in aggressive mode (not in moderate mode) and that may well make the difference when the file is known. The aggressive mode also overrides the DeepScreen which may also have had an effect, it also allows for exceptions if the file happens to be pinged.