I have find a possible bug in avast, when a people scan a very large series of files if avast detect a viruses or a series it delete some… but it miss in the detection of other!!! If I restart the scan it find the other viruses.
In the first scansion on a packet of 593 virus it detect 587, but if I retry the scansion on the remain 6 file that avast don’t detect as virus in the first pass… it detect new viruses…
This is a possible bug.
Could you please copy&paste some lines from your report list here and I’d check what you think it’s wrong. Thanks.
In the first scan it detect 587… now I have retryed but it detect 591. But if I try to delete the viruses Avast proced but at the end some file that initially are detected as virus remain(15 files). If I repeat the scan Avast detect them and I delete with avast it reply that it can’t remove the file because they are used from other processes.
The error when I try to delete is this. Is impossible that this file is used from an other process because is not a file that I have installed or executed.
If you need some other information contact me. Bye.
Hmm, strange… it seems you are right. It works from the Quick scanner, but doesn’t work from the Simple User Interface… I’ll check it.
Today I have retyred but the strange problem remain…
It seems that during the scansion it does not consider all the file that are really infected and jump to another file, but it don’t detect the file that Avast Jump.
Bye Bye.
This sounds a bit related to this thread
Is that problem solved already?
The inconsistencies of the results when scanning such a multi-virus archive may be caused by so called “paranoid mode”. When avast! finds the first virus (which is rather a rare event on an ordinary user computer), it switches to a paranoid mode, scanning all files, whole files, etc.
As for the problem with the deleting of the file… I did quite a lot of debugging today and I think I found a bad bug that may cause strange behavior. You may try the following (however weird it seems): go to the program settings and change to the “Report file” page. There, turn off every option that can be turned off there (even the disabled ones - i.e. first, make sure the report file creation is on, uncheck the options and turn the report file creation off again. Does it help to delete the infected 646.exe file?