I was doing an MSYS2 update, and avast suddenly decided that C:\dev\msys64\usr\bin\gpg-agent.exe is a virus, and moved it to the virus box(!).
This caused the package database to cannot be signed, which corrupted the package databases.
Can confirm that this also happened to me. I have now had to whitelist the whole Msys2 directory and reinstall from scratch. Stuff like this shouldn’t happen!
I’m running into the same problems, even with with the MSYS2 directory whitelisted under “exceptions” in the file AND the behavior shield.
Already submitted a false-positive report. Will report back when I get an email telling me what actions they’ve taken.
installation breaking before it completes
operations failing during the installation in which you can “retry” but which never succeed the n-th time either
update issues when using pacman to update packages (whitelisting under “exceptions” didn’t fix this problem for me!)
Current work-around is disabling avast. Either disable the file/behavior shield or uninstall avast completely.
I understand what you’re saying, the problem I have is that
this action taken and too many false positives can be a disaster for
the user when avast is wrong.
Should we just accept that for “the greater good” ?
we should demand better
Since the reporting of a false positive is fairly simple and the subsequent resolution is fairly quick,
I can’t think of anything better.
It’s certainly better than allowing something a users deems a false positive to infect their system.
Your computer, your choice. I know what mine is.
Under Settings, Components, File Shield, Customize, Actions … you can select what Avast will do when it thinks a file is a problem. One of the choices is “Ask”
Looking at the date of the first post, this is an old issue. Is there a reason it’s not resolved? I just had the same problem on a fresh install, and it insists on interfering with installation through excepted paths. I got ticked and fully disabled avast shields so it would quit breaking my crap. Avast interfering with programs that are fine, blocking exceptions, not being able to restore a deleted file, and all the intrusive crap it does recently is becoming too much. Hit the point where i’m tempted to start looking for a new AV.
Since you don’t give any specifics, it’s impossible to answer you or help you.
If you’re looking for help, start your own topic and give specifics. If you just wanted to get something off your chest, you’ve already done that.
This just happened to me, that is serious shit, waste of time. I am unable to restore as the filed is not even in the chest. I am uninstalling this shitty AV from all my comp and will not recommend it to anyone anymore.
I ran into this problem when installing some MSYS packages (NOT while installing MSYS itself). I think I’ve managed to recover from this by doing the following:
add the msys64 folder (or maybe msys32) to Avast exclusions so it doesn’t happen again (hopefully). The folder is likely C:\msys64.
disable all Avast shields (otherwise signing will fail apparently)
reinstall gnupg from an MSYS terminal (pacman -S gnupg)
re-enable shields
Also consider using bruce_b’s answer to get Avast to (again, hopefully) ask before nuking false positives.