avast! has prepared a surprise for all users?

no surprise here as of yet :slight_smile:
and i wonder who the no.1 and the first ten users of avast!were?



talk like a pirate hey…wow ::slight_smile:

edit: did shiw liang suggest that ???

edit: or may be his “magician of the silver sky” corporation took over Avast ???

so it was not Symantec, it was shiw liang :o


Thanks mate :slight_smile:

My guess is that we’ll get a wooden leg, parrot and a hook in a package :smiley:

As long as it doesn’t arrive waterlogged… ;D

LOL! ;D ;D ;D

Just beware of the scurvy parrot aye? ;D


I been seeing this pirate language for some time in some softwares

Especially Facebook, wait I am not seeing it now…arrr!

But check this Facebook Leet Speak


Avast Ahoy language is really fun


The pirate language is pretty cool but i find myself turning back to the original because it’s a little hard to comprehend or understand what it’s actually saying or meaning, still abit of fun though :slight_smile:

It’s a bit of a let down…

If you say:

avast! have prepared a surprise for all users. As it is still top secret, we can’t give you more details right now.
then I would expect something along the lines of a cool new program.

But not a rather silly language pack with ‘pirate talk’. I’m disappointed.

Yes, cool at first but hard to remember what the original sections were as Pirate talk doesn’t match well with the English title of the sections. Since I use images extensively in the forums to help others it might blow their minds ;D

Try using PNG format. In most cases images are even smaller, yet they look better (no color banding).

Not what I have found using my image capture software (without editing/optimisation) the .gif file is smaller and more than good enough quality to show the points.

This one is basically the same pixel size, but with no annotations on the image, so should be even smaller, yet it is over twice the file size.

Not working for me. :frowning:

Did as described here, but here is not option in language drop down list (see pic)


You first have to use the Install additional languages, select Pirate Talk and click OK. It will then be installed and now when you click the down arrow it will be available as an additional language selection.

Bit of a letdown to me as well. I was hoping the big news would be a 5.1 beta or something.

Ah well, keep on waiting I guess. This Exchange 2010 server will just sit here twiddling its thumbs until I get A/V support for it.

Thanks sir DavidR.

It wasn’t showing in the language list until I restarted.


Well the original instructions said to do a program update first, then the change language, but I did that and it didn’t show. I then added the new language module and after it completed. I was able to get it in the drop down list. So I don’t know why it didn’t happen that way for you.

Well there are a few people actually at the MS Campus at the moment (Vlk, PK & Lukor I believe) working on 5.0 and 5.1.

So who knows, I saw it somewhere that on 23 August an avast team member said it is hoped to have 5.1 beta in a month which isn’t far off (fingers crossed).
[Rumour out of control] I can’t recall if the 5.0 beta was released after a stint of testing at the MS Campus at Redmond also.[/Rumour out of control]