Avast has evidently reached the point that it is too BIG to continue to function. I get an email telling me I need to renew one of their applications. I click the related app and discover that it will not let me enter the year for a new credit card. I call support and get someone in (perhaps) Mumbai or Chennai, India, who pretend to speak English. I give up after his third attempt to spell my email address. I call a general support line hoping to reach someone in the United States or Europe. Oops! Back to Mumbai and someone pretending to speak English.
Didn’t anyone at Avast learn in school that Hindi English is not the same as Anglo-American English? Speaking one does not mean one can speak or understand the other.
Three issues:
Why doesn’t Avast keep a master credit card on file for one’s entire account accessible through the account screen like most other companies rather than keep a separate credit card on file for each Avast application accessible through different screens?
Why doesn’t Avast quality control its apps to ensure that they work before deploying them? I want to give Avast money to renew an app … but the software does not allow me to do so.
Please … please … please do not continue with the presumption that Hindi who speak or understand Hindi English speak or understand Anglo-American English. That’s like Germans thinking they can understand a Dutch speaker because both languages are Germanic languages.
If Avast paid good money for guarantees that their Hindi helpdesk personnel would speak English, they were taken for a ride. I’m trying to renew an Avast app … only to discover that Avast’s software and its new Hindi helpdesk do not work. Over [?]