Avast has stopped working. My system is unprotected. Help!

I am living in France and have avast in French so my terminology might be a bit wierd.

My system is unprotected. Avast tells me that it has been stopped or is unstable. I have the big red cross and “non sécurisé”. I did nothing to prompt this. It tells me to restart or re-establish but then I am unable to do this. I have to authorize this action and when I do by hitting continue nothing happens. I have tried to run a scan and I am told that I am unable to do this as the “mappeur de point final n’a plus de point final”. I am told that I have 9 agents disactivated yet I am unable to re-activate them. I am going round in circles getting frustrated while my system remains exposed to menaces. Can any one help me please?


Repair avast!:

  1. Control Panel → Add/Remove programs → avast!
  2. Scroll down and click on ‘Repair’.
  3. Follow instructions.
  4. Reboot.