avast heuristic

Finally, a heuristic warning from avast ;D

Wow.but i think it is a generic detection not heuristics ::slight_smile:

Notice that it have the [Heur] at the end ::slight_smile: That is short for heuristic.

I think there is something more to this than meets the eye as it is a Web Shield detection and not a file system shield detection, which I would have considered to be more likely to have true Heuristic/behavioural detections. Not to mention mathboyx215 has obscured the location and file name :wink:

it definitely IS a heuristic detection…

so what is supposed to happen after that…automatic submission to Avast servers from Chest ? then analysis and cloud like reaction or just an update in the next VPS…if appropriate?

that would be reasonable for some noisy heuristics… this one seems to be very accurate (regarding our internal stats) and after a short testing period it will be available at normal heur level (that’s what is preset in default scans)…

That’s really great and i’m looking forward for more such detections.