Avast high jacked my Mozilla browser!

I recently logged onto my bank and Avast asked if I wanted the page in a safe zone. I clicked yes.

Now my screen resolution in Mozilla is so enlarged I cannot access the tool bar at the top to close the browser. I had to use task manager to get out, and anytime I try to use Mozilla, it immediately enlarges again.

I could not find anyway to remove the safe zone…

This is very annoying. Anyone have a solution to this problem? I am not willing to use Chrome right now, it has some malware called Arcade Cake which Avast claims to remove, but when I log on again it is back. It causes very annoying pop-ups and false hyperlinks to appear on every page you visit. I switched to Mozilla and planned to uninstall Chrome, but the problem Avast created in Mozilla has forced me to use Chrome.

Have you tried to "ctrl + either + or - " ???

I tried “control+” and “control -” That does make the page larger or smaller, but the tool bar is gone no matter what I do.

Hi fhrussell06, welcome to the furum :slight_smile:

First of all : Avast doesn’t highjack Firefox, as SafefZone uses its own customised version of Cromium, the same browser Google Chrome is based on.
That said, I see from what you tell us that you are infected with malware, and that should be removed first.

Please follow this turtorial https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0
Than start a new topc here https://forum.avast.com/index.php?board=4.0 and attach the requested logs.
Also give a description of your problems as you did here in your first post.
As soon as an expert is online and available he/she will help you.

Greetz, Red.

I ended up calling the company and going for the cleanup from the Avast site. The folks I dealt with were very nice and helpful. $180 and 2 hours later I got my computer back. The computer is free of some unneeded files and some vulnerabilities were fixed. I have a one year warranty.

BUT… Chrome still had the malware and the browser window in Mozilla was still enlarged. I uninstalled Chrome and got rid of the malware. It no longer pops up when I visit web pages. I finally figured out how to turn off Safe Zone and get a normal sized window back.

End of story.

The problem is that the support tech you spoke to is with a third party provider.
That said, you could have gotten the same service here on the forums for free.
You could have saved $180.

Interestingly, this is the first positive experience/ tech support success posted that I’ve read in all the months they have been scamming Avast users.
Guess they got lucky

I wouldn’t call it positive since the original complaint was not addressed or fixed. :cry:

Well the tone of the post Bob was far more positive then any I’ve read and believe me I’ve followed most.
I simply found that interesting.