Avast hijacking taskbar icons

I went through what was suggested in the link I gave in my last post, which was:

"Open Registry Editor and navigate to the following key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]"

In the right-hand pane, amongst a lot of other stuff, it shows

Shell Icon BPP 16
Shell Icon Size 32

which is apparently what it should be.

Thanks again, Tech. Obviously if you need any more of my help… ;D

Thanks GrahamE, in that key are the size of the open window in the taskbar, which, for me, is set to the very tiny possible one. I usually has a lot of applications (windows) running at the same time and I need them very tiny.
But I did not find the icon size there, maybe I was asleep ;D

Which one refers to the open window in the taskbar? What do you set it to?

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

Thanks again.

You’re welcome. Avast is a great forum to share experiences too 8)

Just to update, no problems with icons any more!! Thanks Tech. :smiley:

Did you test the ‘small’ task bar open windows?

No. I couldn’t find “MinWidth” in there. I tried changing anything that looked likely to -450, but it had no effect and so I changed it back. Could it be that I’m using Classic view?

I don’t think so.
The key is: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics\ and the value: MinWidth
You can add it and test. If you don’t like, just remove the Registry key or set a greater value.
I suppose you can do it safely, working with Registry. If you can’t, don’t mess.

Oh, I see!! I have to add it. Sorry, I didn’t realise! That’s probably why I couldn’t find it!! :-[

So what do I do? Is this right?

Right click - “ADD” - New Key
Name - “MinWidth”
Type - “REG_SZ” (this came up by itself)
Data - “-450”

As you can see…

Where do I find the Data Editor? I tried doing it the way I suggested and it didn’t work - couldn’t ‘name’ it.

I knew that image of Tech’s was going to confuse, it isn’t a standard windows application, you have only got regedit.

??? So can I do it with regedit?

Yes you can.
But I suggest that application to manage the registry.
Pretty better, and free: http://www.majorgeeks.com/download469.html

Thanks for the link Tech, that was what my not to subtle hint was for ;D as a google search for Data Editor returns many hits nothing that seemed the same.

That’s brilliant, thanks Tech - I now have little ones ;D

Great! I’m glad I could help you to have a better task bar…