I’ve got problem with Virus alert on page http://www.allegro.pl/my_page.php?uid=1947039 On this page is starting an alarm and when I want to escape from that side and I’m clicking to Disconnect in avast alarm window that window disappear but I’m on potential minacious page, so avast don’t cancel that connection.
My operating system is Windows Vista Home Basic x64 sp1.
Please make the link unclickable… for example write hxxp:// instead of http://
The dangerous object that is blocked is the picture in the middle of the homepage. And it gets successfully blocked by avast. you can see the “x” where the picture should be!
The picture is downloaded from a different site:
25.06.2009 20:08:59 1245953339 SYSTEM 1176 Sign of "HTML:IFrame-BN [Trj]" has been found in "hxxp://e-tiktak.pl/allegro/Obrazki/o-nas_06.jpg" file.
The detection is inside what is purporting to be a jpeg file (o-nas_06.jpeg), which clearly is isn’t.
The script tag inside basically creates the iframe tag to try and run a script from another site.
So it looks like the site may have been hacked as there should be no such script inside an image file.
avast doesn’t completely disconnect your internet connection, it just stops the infected element from being downloaded and saved to your browser cache and run, e.g. it aborts just the infected connection. So you may well get the rest of the page display as there is nothing on that, if the infection was in the actual html code of the page then you wouldn’t see abything.