Hi! I have a strange problem. I have one .exe file, which places on my drive S:\ in folder “1” for example: S:\1\file.exe
When I test it for viruses in any way I can only think out, Avast founds no problems. But after I copy this file to any another logical drive (C:\ & ect.) Avast instantly finds a Virus.
That is indeed rather strange. What is the S: drive? (a hard disk partition, or something else maybe?)
What is the full filename of the file? (is it really file.exe?)
What virus is reported when you copy it to C:, and what is the full filename shown in the virus dialog?
Last, how exactly do you scan the file on S: ?
Really filename is CoreAAC- if it can make any difference
That is what I see when file copied anywhere:
File Name - W:\CoreAAC-
Malware name - Win32:Adware-gen. [Adw]
Malware Type - Adware
First I tried to scan by Right Mouse clicking and selecting “Scan CoreAAC-”. After this I have started Avast! Antivirus, selected “S:\1” folder and made full deeply scan inside it (exactly “Thorought Scan”). But I had no result!
Ooops… I’m sorry for troubling. Just now I’ve noticed, that S:*.* was added to exñlusions… But I thought that this applies only to background realtime scanner, but not to entire antivirus.
So, is it possible to add some area to exñlusions only for realtime background scanner, saving all other functions in this area?
There are 2 exclusion lists, actually - one in program settings, which affects the on-demand scanners only, and one in the configuration of the Standard Shield, which affects the Standard Shield only (so you probably need this one).
(In the Professional version, you can define an exclusion list for each task.)