Avast Home in linux.

I need a little help. :cry:
Who can give me a tutorial to install the Avast in Linux pliz.

On Linux (implemented as av_avast vpipe scanner that interfaces to the Avast libraries):

  1. Download the Avast linux distribution, uncompress and run ./install.sh from the temp directory
  2. Check that you have avast running (and have the library prerequisites) by running ā€œ./av_avast -testā€ in the SurgeMail directory
  3. Enable surgemail integration by adding to surgemail.ini
    • g_virus_filter cmd=ā€œav_avastā€ type=ā€œā€
      note: if using admin interface you would set ā€œFilter command lineā€ to ā€œav_avastā€
    • g_virus_avast ā€œtrueā€
      and optionally
    • g_virus_avast_hour ā€œ0,6,12,18ā€
  4. Restart surgemail
  5. Confirm that it is scanning mail and blocking viruses (by sending in eicar.com as an attachment, or using one of the online virus testing pages: eg. declude.com)


I have Ubuntu and Xubuntu and, from memory, I downloaded the debian version of Avast to my desktop and clicked on it. It then showed under Accessories.

If you go to the bottom of this page and change to the Linux forum you may get more help.

Unless you are running any Windows program from within Linux (e.g. using ā€œWineā€) there may be less point personally, though you may well protect others from Windows viruses.

Scans are really fast but the daily update is full, not incremental" so those without broadband may find somewhat slow

The Avast Linux version I have can only do ā€œon demandā€ scans and I would be interested to learn if there is another ā€œon accessā€ version.

My regards

PS Tech frequently posts here and he may well help if you wait for a short while

Hi again.
The tuto no works :cry:
I canā€™t install the avast :-\

PD: I have CentOS

i suggest moving this thread into the linux board.