avast home installation problem

so i’ve checked through the thread similar to this but i still can’t find the answer…

i’ve been trying to install the latest version of avast home edition but i keep getting the error “There was an error while completing the setup process”

before i thought there may be some clash in the registry, anyway since i didn’t have much data on the hd i formatted and see if it would working starting from scratch but now on a completely fresh installation of XP on a clean HDD it still comes up with the same error message, what can i do to solve this problem?

the setup log file is as follows:

18.10.2009 09:26:28 general: Started: 18.10.2009, 09:26:28
18.10.2009 09:26:28 system: Operating system: WindowsXP ver 5.1, build 2600, sp 3.0 [Service Pack 3]
18.10.2009 09:26:28 system: Memory: 19% load. Phys:1685660/2096232K free, Page:3798940/4034280K free, Virt:2071172/2097024K free
18.10.2009 09:26:28 system: Computer WinName: VINAY-44123FCD5
18.10.2009 09:26:28 system: Windows Net User: VINAY-44123FCD5\Vinay
18.10.2009 09:26:28 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
18.10.2009 09:26:28 system: Using temp: C:\DOCUME~1\Vinay\LOCALS~1\Temp\_av_inet.tm~a02144 (145524M free)
18.10.2009 09:26:28 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
18.10.2009 09:26:28 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
18.10.2009 09:26:28 general: Install check: Program folder does NOT exist in registry
18.10.2009 09:26:28 general: SGW32P::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
18.10.2009 09:26:29 general: progress thread start
18.10.2009 09:26:29 general: Destination: C:\DOCUME~1\Vinay\LOCALS~1\Temp\_av_inet.tm~a02144
18.10.2009 09:26:29 general: Starting download: http://www.avast.com/go.php?verb=get-avast-home&type=cnet&langid=eng
18.10.2009 09:26:29 general: Download finished from server www.avast.com, result: 0x20000006, server response: 301
18.10.2009 09:26:29 general: Stats www.avast.com, server response: 536870918
18.10.2009 09:26:30 general: POST result: 0x00000000, server response: 20

Please try using the complete installer instead of the Universal/CNET installer. avast! 4.8 English

that’s done the trick ;D thanks a lot

I’m also having problems very similar to red247… I’m very fond of avast and have been running avast for the last year or so and have grown quite fond of it.

Very foolishly I wanted to give Kaspersky a try today…installed it uninstalled avast and zone alarm firewall…installed KIS 2010…and didn’t like it. I uninstalled KIS and the tried installing avast home…but error 301 from avast server is coming up.

so that I have some antivirus at least I installed Avira antivir in the mean time.

Right now after coming up against this post I’m downloading complete installer and will give it one more shot. the logfile is attached with this mail

Thanks to you all in this forum…downloading the full installation file did the trick…have removed the avira antivir too…can go on using my favourite avast again. :smiley:

i’ve been trying to install the latest version of avast home edition but when i start the installation it exits… what is the problem…

Outdated topic.
Please start a new one.


Most of the times when someone is having difficulty with an Antivirus ,that might be because of other things.

           May I know which  version of Avast product  are you installing  ? I recommend you to install  Avast 6 from the following link.


Do you have any other Anti-Virus installed in this system (or were you using any other antivirus before Avast ?), if so what was it and how did you remove it (the vendor’s uninstaller’s tool or another way)?

Have a wonderful day… Good k@rma!