I was using Avast Home and Windows XP. My my ISP require SSL connection to send/receive emails.
Everything was working fine few days ago, then today i got this message asking me to update Avast. So i’ve updated it, then Outlook is not able to send my emails anymore.
Yes, usually the Outlook plugin can manage SSL connections - for example I use my GMAIL (gmail require SSL connection) account with Outlook and avast! is scanning all my mails without a problem
As Xmas said outlook plug-in should be able to manage ssl connections. The outlook plug-in is effectively an integral part of the outpost email client so should be able to deal with SSL, unlike internet mail which is operating outside the email client so can’t get inside the secure loop without a third party application such as stunnel.
I am not entirely certain but I do not believe that the Outlook/Exchange plugin manages communications at all. I believe that the way it works (receiving mail) is that Outlook handles the communications receives each message and passes it to be scanned by avast before Outlook before the message is added to the mail store by Outlook. On the send side the message is passed to avast for scanning, if ok then Outlook does the actual transmission.
This was why Outlook users did not have the strange send/receive behaviour that users complained about in the days of the old Internet Mail scanner (that has now been modified).
Edit: I am fairly sure that I could drag up an old post from a member of the avast team that confirms this.
Yes, that’s right. As an Outlook plugin, the Outlook/Exchange providers checks the messages/files according to Outlook’s requests, but doesn’t handle the actual sending/receiving. This way, even crypted connections shouldn’t be a problem, because Outlook calls the antivirus plugin before it attempts to send the file (so it’s not relevant whether it’s a secure connection or not).
For the original poster, I’d suggest to disable the Internet Mail provider - if he’s really using full MS Outlook, not Outlook Express.
If the originator of the thread is using a firewall that requires permission for outbound connections (like ZoneAlarm) then it woud be worth deleting the permissions for Outlook and letting them be asked for again.
If using Outlook Express and the avast Internet Mail provider then delete the permissions for OE and also for the avast Internet Mail provider (ashMaiSv.exe) and let them be requested again.
That isn’t what Igor is telling you, If your only email client is MS outlook, you use the Outlook/Exchange provider/plug-in you don’t need the Internet Mail provider as MS Outlook doesn’t use it. So if you confirm that you don’t use any other email client other than MS Outlook (not express) then you don’t need the Internet Mail provider as it won’t be used.
Perhaps having both the Outlook/Exchange and Internet Mail provider running is causing some sort of interaction, I don’t know. If you have ensured the avast plug-in is running (not disabled) inside MS Outlook then it should work with SSL.