Avast Home support Overnet ???


Does Avast support Overnet ?? a P2P program like Kazaa and cie …
If it doesn’t, they should include it in next version !


Probably not… :cry:
P2P (file-sharing) programs supported: Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, Direct Connect, Direct Connect++, WinMX, BearShare, LimeWire, BitTorrent

Anyway, wellcome to forums. :wink:

Setup the “Launch my App” to Launch on Complete ashquick.exe and this will scan all downloaded files on overnet.

I think it will be better if the user configure the Standard Shield to do this job. Unless the ashquick.exe could only ‘lauched’ for specific extensions. Otherwise, the pop-up window of ashquick will be really anoying 8)

The launch my app plugin in overnet is fairly configurable. But from your reply I think you misunderstand its function.

The plugin only references currently downladed files. And it is not only for virus scan, but their are different actions. Which is what I was referring to specifically launch on complete.

So it works very well as a plugin.

No doggeral, I did not misunderstand it because I even know it! ;D
As it is a pluggin and only scans the necessary files, it will be ok.
Thanks for clarifying! :wink:

LOL…I see. Manipulate me.
Most new filesharing apps allow you to send downloads to a virus scan or another proggie anyway.

What I really want to see in avast pro or home is the ability to set different scan options for different directories.

Or an include list to add to the exclude list.

And the same thing to add to the blocker, because to me that would seem like something that could make it more useful.

I.E. setup the blocker to ask on all changes to windows\system, but not care about program files. have it scan all files c:\ directory, but only exe files in the program files…that kind of configuration to me would be very useful.

This was discussed a lot in the past…
I won’t be so easy. If I remember correct, Vlk and Igor blame on this kind of scanning. I think there is some security/programming trouble on it. Maybe you can search the forum… :wink:

I know its not easy to implement.

I’ve read most of the discussions, just everyonce in awhile I still like to mention it, because to me that kind of configuration gives a useful feature to standup against the big boys and something to boast.

Yeah, I agree… If it is technically posible and without creating a security hole for infecting files in that folders you allow ‘low’ scanning sensitivity.

Other thing is that the application could become so difficult to configure, too many options. Some persons prefer AVG that is not so configurable as avast! Imagine this! :stuck_out_tongue:

True True.

But you know more and more I’m finding those who want configurable don’t know it yet, because they don’t know what they want an AV to do.

Most of the people who don’t care use Norton…No Offense to norton, but it just seems if one does not know what else to use its either Norton or to a lesser degree Mcaffee or however it is spelled.

I must confess that, in the past, I was like the one you described: I used Norton :cry: Fortunatelly, I found the forgiveness, happy and joy! ;D