I am new to this… How do I configure avast to allow for me to use vnc remote control?
Thanks, apttool
Why can’t you use it, are you getting any errors/alerts, if so what ?
Hopefully this might help others answer the question as I don’t use VPN software.
I am unable to connect from home to work with avast! running. It gives me an error saying unable to connect to remote computer.
As I said I don’t use VPN but avast doesn’t block, just monitors and alerts to infection, the web shield shouldn’t monitor the VPN as that uses secure communication and not standard http protocol.
Are you sure that the error is coming from avast, can you post a screen shot ?
What is your firewall ?
Try pausing or terminating the Web Shield, though I can’t see how that would get in the way. If no difference, try the same with the Network Shield don’t disable both together so we can if possible pinpoint any interaction/conflict.
Thanks for your help. I am at work now so I can’t do a screen shot just yet.
will try this out when I get home. Thanks again
No problem, welcome to the forums, later.
Hello apttool!
avast! is not the reason you can not connect to your computer at work. avast! is on and running last 4 years on my machine, and I never had problems connecting through UlraVNC (WinVNC), pcAnywhere or any other remote connection tool to wherever I want… I am doing it right now with my dad’s computer all the way in Europe. avast! is not a firewall so it can no be the reason for your problem.
What is blocking your connection is your company’s firewall that doesn’t allow anything inside. You need to ask for pemission your administrator, or they need to do some additional configuring.
Thank you for the reply. You are correct. I am having trouble with the vnc not avast. I appreciate the help.
When you do find the resolution if you can let us know, it may help others in the future.
Welcome to the forums.
FULL SHIT! I have troubles too.
With VNC, RemoteAdmin, DanWare NetOp…
All remote control worked succesfully before avast installation.
avast blockin’ ports silently and I dont see this setting
Sorry I cannot send this via an IM … but just to clarify.
VPN is a connection mechanism (most frequently used to secure connections to office systems through a firewall).
vnc is a form of remote desktop display/control software (rather like Microsoft’s Remote Desktop) that needs to be running on the viewer system and on the remote desktop system (usually called the server).
To control a desktop inside a secure business system you probably need both.
I’m aware what VPN is just that I don’t use one, what I couldn’t see is how avast could possibly interfere with it as had previously suspected by the two experiencing VPN problems and their firstly assuming the problem was with avast.
By its secure nature web shield shouldn’t get involved and I don’t believe network shield would either.
Most folks using avast and vnc software are probably using it between themselves and friends/relatives (like szc). I use it between machines here at home so I can run them from one central machine.
These cases have nothing to do with using VPN typically and mostly rely on the security checks built into the vnc products (many of which are close relatives to each other). It is typically these settings, port settings and home NAT routers that are the cause of the problems. I have not yet seen a vnc issue where it was demonstrated that avast getting in the way.
Hey, guys! ;D
I am using remote control sofaware (VNC, NetOp, RemoteAdmin) for many years
and no problems with routers, firewalls, ports forwarding and etc.
Now (after avast4.7.942 installation on remote server side) nothing working:
can’t connect to the server.
Without avast all is O.K.
Understand me?
Specifically which VNC program are you using?
Without avast? Have you tried to isolate which avast provider is apparently causing your problem?
As I commented above - all the machines I use VNC on also have avast 4.7.942 running.
By the way, please remember if you are expecting help then you are talking to other avast users just like you - mind your language.