after updating AVAST yesterday, the avast icon disapeard from Taskbar (where the Clock is). I try to repair–> no effect. I deinstall avast and install new → no effect.
What can i do more??? I feel a little bit alone and not secure without the icon and i can not update.
Never another Virusprogram installt
My System: Windows Vista Business 32 up to date on Laptop.
My Firewall: Online Armor
A few ideas:
-Check the allowed/blocked applications in Online Armour. (I don’t use this one, but have read advice that re-setting the Avast permissions can resolve this. There was a recent -25/11/09- program version update, now at 4.8.1367. This could very easily explain why the firewall might have blocked it.)
-If that doesn’t fix it, download the Avast uninstall utility, here, Downlad the full setup file for the language you want, below the words “Free registration” on this page, (~37MB), disconnect from the web, uninstall Avast, reboot - into safe if there were any problems - run the uninstall utility, reboot, install Avast afresh from the setup file, reconnect.
I really think the issue is more likely to be firewall permissions.
I didnt deinstall AVAST but i downloaded Online Armor (my firewall) new and actualize my installation (was the same version just installed). In the moment of starting the installation/actualisation, the AVAST icon appeared in the Tray. So now for me it is/was definetly a problem of my Firewall.
If others with the Online Armor Firewall had the same prob, download the actual version and actualize it.
BlackSheik, very good, glad all is well, it should be straightforward to simply change the permissions. I’d find it a hassle to have to re-install a firewall every time a program updated, but whatever worked for you is good.
edit :
Sorry, nmb, x-posted.
Means you had already posted a valid solution, thus (had I seen that) I needn’t have also posted.
No, maybe you missunderstand what i mean, i dont install Online Armor new. I only actualize it. So no restart of System (if it is the same version) only actualizing and good. It is easyer then deinstall Avast with special Software in safemode.
Black Sheik mypizzaisreadyhummjammjamtunawithsardelles