This morning after I started my computer and it loaded my programs, Avast 4.8 updated the database as usual and stopped spinning.
I checked my email and the news and then around 8:30 I noticed the icon was spinning. I thought at first that one of my programs was updating,but I noticed that there was no internet activity showing on any of my modems and my computer didn’t show any activity either. I checked to see if if Malwarebytes or windows defender was running a scan. They weren’t. I then blocked all traffic in and out to make sure something was not getting through. I couldn’t find any reason for it to keep spinning, so I did a complete uninstall and reinstall in case a file got corrupted, but even after that it still is spinning. So I’m at a loss as to why. By the way, I also shut down Malwarebytes to see if their was a conflict. This is the first time this has happened. Also I’m not running the VRDB. I’d appreciate any help. Thanks.
My OS is Windows 7 Home Premium X64 bit.
Not to worry.
The icon will spin whenever it scans something.
This happens more often than you think. Your operating system is always working, opening, closing creating files even if you aren’t. The one time you have to worry is when you hear the bells and whistles. That’s avast telling you it found something. Otherwise no worries.
Mine spins alot too, but I don’t worry since, after many years, Avast! hasn’t let me down yet.
Thanks for your help. I did find the problem. After running a couple of scans with my other security programs and finding nothing, I went back to the Avast Icon and after looking through the right click context menu again, I left clicked and up popped the resident protection page ( I completely forgot about it ) and showed the last file scanned, which was a picture in the recycle bin and apparently it was hung up on it, since it showed that it was still scanning it. That’s why the icon was still spinning. As soon as I deleted the file the Icon stopped spinning. It was a picture I downloaded from the NASA website but deleted it after I downloaded a larger version.
So thanks again for your input. I hope this will help someone in the future.
Ahh…PRO-TIP: keep Recycle Bin item free.