Avast Icon never stops going.

The avast icon never stops animating for me. It just keeps going and going. This started today. I have scanned my pc with mbam and avast, nothing was found. I have not installed anything new.

I usually have firefox and chrome open. It seems to be worse with chrome open. I am also seeing the small blue wheel by my mouse pointer intermittently.

I am on W7, 64bit sp1.

Latest browsers and avast updates.

I seem to have found the offender. Having my Gmail open in Chrome seems to cause the issue. Blue circle every 6-7 sec and the scanner running. When I close the tab everything is normal.

Hello bingvarstand,
notification area icon is animated when:
a. manual or scheduled scan is running
b. shields are active

One of the shields scans for potentional threats in your internet activity. So basically everytime your browser loads something, the shield needs to check the content for malicious code.

There is an option to disable icon animations if you find this behaviour unwanted or annoying. Go to Settings > General > Animate the icon when scanning.

Manas from
Avast UI team