well its been a few weeks since i installed avast home edition… well it was installed propely… but the avast icon in my tray still appears GREY!! its not blue as the icon on my desktop… y is this happenin…??.. can somebody HELP ME!! PLZZZZZ
If the ball is spinning at times, Avast is working and you have nothing to worry about.
The color difference is most likely caused by your screen settings.
And yes, the ‘blue ball’ next to the clock isn’t as blue as the desktop icon.
So I would say: Don’t worry.
well yeah it does spin… soo i guess its workin… t hnx 4 the help eddy!!
No problem, and a belated welcome to the Avast family.
That’s the main reason why I though it would be great to solve that icon issue finally… so many people already reported that Blue/grey color is not quite the best solution. IMHO, It should be something simple like this in attachment… then maybe, we could avoid all those situations when new users are affraid that something is wrong because they are not sure what color it suppose to be. Not everyone’s monitor’s color settings are the same… So, maybe something as simple as this… green for ACTIVE, red for INACTIVE…
Cheers !
I like it… maybe they want the ‘default’ blue, so could be, blue (on) and full red (off) 8)
I agree with Tech, best keep Blue. But the Red for inactive is a swell idea.
I don’t understand. Grey,blue,grey,blue… :
It doesn’t matter if it’s grey or blue,it’s working for as long as it doesn’t have small red circle next to the “a” ball. If you pause all providers completely, it will become almost white so you can notice it for sure. Why complicating?
As it is a matter of opinion, mine is that nowadays it is complicated, we just want it simpler than it is right now 8)