avast icon

every time i click on something on my pc the avast icon in the tray by the clock spins. plus i noticed it seams like it slows my pc a bit.like when im on the internet an i click on a site it dont pop up until the icon stops spinning. is there a way to stop that?

Avast! is constantly monitoring your connection to protect you. Most AV have active protection.
Yes you can stop it from slowing your surfing down but not without risking undetected infection.
Small price to pay when it could take hours or days to fix , Some do it but only if they are absolutely sure of the sites they visit and have an image of their OS to restore to.

Cloussaus said everything perfectly, I just want to add something. If you are annoyed by the spinning itself, you can turn off icon animation. Go to Program Settings, Appearance and unckeck the ANIMATE THE ICON WHEN SCANNING.

However it will not speed up anything significantly, because it’s just icon animation related, not scanning level related. As Cloussau already mentioned you would have to disable few providers, but than again, why would anyone want to be without protection. That’s why we installed antivirus in the first place.

Disabling of those providers is highly NOT recommended.

Anyway, Wilson, you can set the sensitivity to Normal intead of High.
You’ll notice a better performance without losing that much protection.
Like Sasha said, don’t disable providers! 8)