Avast in Safe Mode

Hope someone can explain this please.

The other day I tried to scan with Avast in Safe Mode. After clicking on Avast Icon, the screen said:
UNSECURED - your system is not protected. Use FIX NOW button to start protecting system. I clicked on ‘fix now’ but nothing happened.

Lower down was a big ‘X’ which said: Avast has been stopped or is in an inconsistant state. Re start program to resume protecting your system.

I pressed the ‘restart program’ button and nothing happens either.

Does Avast not scan in safe mode?

To be on the safe side when scanning in safe mode, should one disconnect from the internet?

Anyway, I tried this a couple of times without any success.

Thanks for any help.

The ‘unsecured’ you are getting is from the real-time shields being disabled. That’s because in safe mode, only the necessary drivers are loaded; avast components will not start in safe mode. But that’s only the real-time scanner, the on-demand scanner still works (manual scans). You can also use avast’s boot-time scan, it’s more effective. Also, there’s no need to disconnect from the Internet while in safe mode, networking is disabled.

If you selected “safe mode with networking” then yeah, you’re modem shouldn’t be on otherwise you’re connected with no defenses. If you just selected “safe mode” then you’re fine.

I hope the scanning helps.

Thank you for both replies.

If I understand this correctly, Avast cannot be scanned in safe mode but only in regular mode?
In the 4.8 version, it used to scan memory when icon was clicked or is this automatic now in version 5?

Boot time scan is apparently only available for 32 bit operating systems.

Does the latest Avast free version 5.0.594 not require a registration number? When I upgraded to version 5, I did not receive one. Just wanted to make sure with no surprises later on.

Thanks in advance. Windows 7

Hi. Actually you can scan in safe mode. You can still do a scan in the Scan Now section. It’s just that the real-time scanner won’t run (the real-time shields). Boot time scanning will be available in version 5.1 (around the end of august or September). As for the registration, the install of vs5 will retain/keep your vs4 key so there’s no need to re-register. I don’t know about the memory scanning though.