I was trying to uninstall because I am tired of the BSOD on windows 8 and when I wne t to reboot after uninstalling I could not use my keyboard or touchpad and I could not reinstall the drivers since windows would not let me. I had to use a external mouse to be able to do a system restore to get my drivers working again. I am unable to uninstall avast no matter which way I do it since it just kills my drivers. the unistall issue needs to get fixed so this dont happen to others with HP laptops.
A Conflict? any minidumps on the Blue screens and what error messages?
Normally 0x0000000? and a binary letter???. Some unstability issues with windows 8. Im on windows xp and avast is fine on this good operating system!. Remember windows ME was junk!,
Re-built a freinds computer HP SFF PC that had sound problems with windows 8 and put xp on this instead and got all the correct drivers from the HP WEBSITE & Runs very fast. Was 10ghz processor 8gb ram 750gb sata hard drive & a flyer really
For your laptop should be upto date driver files there depending what model laptop it is?
You should be able to reach safe mode and uninstall avast by hitting f8 as the computer is booting and use both CTRL ESC and the arrow keys etc to get to control pannel and reach add remove programs & select avast then remove. Keyboard should work in safemode without networking!
Windows 8 dont have f8 anymore and nomatter if I went to safe mode or not it did not load the drivers I needed and it would not even let me install new ones. It would just error everytime I tried.
This happened to my laptop as well.
It’s a Lenovo T410
After uninstalling Avast Internet Security my keyboard and ultranav stopped working in exactly the same manner as described in so many other posts. Nothing I did would restore it.
So I did a system restore using the restore point created by Avast. Keyboard and ultranav were back.
I installed Avast Free after that. And keyboard and ultranav went away again.
Also, in Device Manager my Conexant audio showed up the same way as the keyboard, and was fixed at the same time. So I assume my sound was also affected, though I didn’t test it to confirm.
The Device Manager said the registry entries were missing or damaged and gave me a “(19)” code.
Dear Avast, This is a serious bug. You need to track it down and squash it. Or your market share is going to erode. I can’t put any Avast product, free or paid, on my laptop now. I will be installing AVG when I get home. This has been an issue since at least 2012. Plenty of time for you to fix it. It has to do with your installer. Fix it. I will neither use nor recommend your product for any laptop in the near future.