Avast! Inservice aka tojan

Maybe you are asking what do I mean?
I use:
Avast! 4.1.418 Professional
Xtreme toolkit version
Compiled on: 09/August/2004
File-Ver: 433-1
Client Licence

What is my problem?
Avast! is detected like a virus? ;D
I can understend if Windows is detected like a virus :stuck_out_tongue: ;D, but the same antivirus detects it self like a virus? :o ??? :-\ :cry:
It detect that file Avast4.mdb is a InService Trojan.
Is this normal? I think it isn’t! What should I do?
If you don’t belive I have atached a screenshot.
That’s all folks. Bye Bye!

:-[ Sorry for my english, but I’m Italian. Thank you for the comprension! Bye All.

Hehe, funny. Please ZIP the file avast4.mdb and send it to virus@avast.com with a link to the thread.


it’s ok if I rar it? I prefer :slight_smile: 8)

Sure, you can 7Zip or ZOO it you prefere… :-*