I downloaded avast home version on my home PC. The install program failed with:
The Log indicates lang.dll is missing.
I was running AVAST 4 Home version for the past 2 months. The application was having problems with automatic updates and the email subsystem was indicating it was waiting for a subsystem to start.
I used Add/Remove programs to uninstall AVAST 4. This was a recommendation obtained from the Avast Support FAQ. The new download and install gives me the above error.
Did you try to install more than one language of avast?
Which problem?
As reported a lot of times, the message “The provider is waiting on the subsystem to start” will be shown there until you open MS Outlook.
The plugin will be enabled automatically after that.
I downloaded aswclear to my desktop.
executed it
ran avast home setupeng
setup fails as previously
view setup log
I tried the copy to clipboard tab - didn’t seem to copy anything
I tried to copy and paste log to notepad the log utility would let me highlight the log but not copy it.
the log has the same info as before
the only noticable error in the log is
extract: tried to extract ‘lang.dll’ frm pkg ‘av_pro_dll409’ but failed miserably.
several lines later
general: progress end - forced
general: progress thread end
Does this Help?
btw - does av_pro indicate i’m trying to setup the pro vs the home addition?
Please advise: Thanks for your assistance.
the reason i attempted to relaod in the first place was ;
i noticed during email downloading i would never hear the siren or get an alert as was occurring when i first started using avast.
thats when i noticed the message about
“The provider is waiting on the subsystem to start”
this never changed even after Outlook was started and downloading email
i assumed the code was malfunctioning and would be corrected via a delete of product and setup again.
i went in to add/remove programs and tried to do a fix but that did not change the “The provider is waiting on the subsystem to start”
I checked Add/remove pgs 1st - avast was not avail to remove.
I used aswclear to remove any remnants of avast.
The only avast setup pgm I executed was setupeng and i’m certain it was the home version. the only reason i make mention of pro is the log file references executables like ‘av_pro_dll409’ - i thought maybe the av_pro might have meant the pro version i down loaded accidently (just checking)…
other than that the setup pgm is failing and I’m not sure what to do or what other info i could provide that would be useful
Do you use any other antivirus in your computer?
Can you try to repair your installation? Go to Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > avast! antivirus > Remove. Then choose Repair function in the popup window (Repair). You must be connected to the internet while repairing.
If this does not help, can you uninstall / boot / install / boot again?
Well I thought I was answering every question as presented.
I do not have any other AntiVirus PGM installed.
I originally attempted to repair via Add/Remove PGMs - and that did not correct my problem. I no longer have that opportunity as Avast no longer appears in the Add/Remove pgm
I have attempted to uninstall many times by
a) running awsclear
b) deleting the folder structure for c:/Program Files/Alwil Software as awsclear does not remove the avast folder structure when executed
So - I’ve tried this numerous times … including downloading and saving setupeng several times.
Therefore I am stumped.
awsclear is very interesting :
it does not remove the installed folders
(setupeng used all defaults / recommended selections)
it does not let you use the browse tab to point (select) the folder you want to remove.
you can run it multiple times consecutively and it says the same thing - no differences - it says it removes the same providers whether they are there or not
Do you have avast! installed now? Can you install again? Can you run?
“C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe C:\ … your path … \Avast4\Setup\setiface.dll,RunSetup”
Any other antivirus installed in your system? Which one did you have before avast?
I have not run any registry cleaner. Would a notepad log of hjt be useful?
I did have NAV pro installed until this past summer. I had such problems with Windows XP Home SP1 being corrupted that i had to reload windows .
I did not format my drive. I reloaded windows XP Home and SP2.
I discovered Avast home 4 freebie and i loaded that versus NAV. NAV gave me problems of several varieties and i did not want to continue using it.
About a week ago I decided to uninstall avast for the reasons described in the beginning of this thread.
I would like to continue use of Avast but I can not get setupeng to install the product successfully. It fails during the copy process and ends.
The log error messages are included in this thread.
NAV brings a lot of trouble to any other antivirus.
I recommend Symantec removal tool (browse their site to get it, there are one for each antivirus series), download, use and boot.
This seems to be unrelated to avast!
You should be able to donwload a file and save it…
Are you saying that you can’t do it?
Or, on contrary, the installation itself is the problem.
Try removing NAV completely and then install avast! and boot.
See what you get.