Avast is adding additional softwares. Now there is custom install but average/majority users go with defaults. Now guess Avast will not remove those additional softwares. And majority needs just core protection features. So I think its time Avast make install without additional softwares easy for majority.
I think install options should be like
Essential Install - Only protection shields are installed (Majority only needs protection shields)
EI + Additional Avast Softwares
Custom Install.
Something like above, wot say?
It would be the best if they remove additional softwares. This will also reduce the installer size.
With all due respect, I feel the two options (default/express and custom) are plenty.
Any user who knows what they are doing should always choose the custom install.
Also never just click, click, click your way through any install. Read each and every screen
with great caution or you will be stuck wit something you don’t want.
Responsibility for ones computer is the user themselves.
edit: As for your statement, “Only protection shields are installed (Majority only needs protection shields)”,
I disagree, the “software updater” helps keep vital software up to date. The “browser cleanup” helps
keep browsers clear of useless toolbars and other junk. With “remote assistance” a user can assist
another user with their avast set-up. I could go on but you get my point.
I on the other hand favor what the OP says, perhaps a Full Install, a Minimal Install and a Custom Install.
Yes we can argue about user responsibility, but most users are not responsible and install stuff they don’t understand which later gives them problems. Unless you make the minimal the default so they can click, click, click you will still end up with the same issue.
Personally, I’m not a fan of all this new add-on software getting rolled into the product because I have to support it afterward.