avast installation for Exchange on SBS2003

I’m not certain that avast is configured correctly to scan all emails (in & out) of my company (via Exchange in SBS2003). Is there a user guide that provides help with this specific topic?

The clients are installed and I assume emails are being scanned in Outlook, but avast can also scan it before it hits Outlook…correct?


Please check the properties of the “MS SMTP 2000/2003” and “MS Exchange 2000/2003” providers (double-click the avast tray icon, and select “Details >>”).

Is the “Scanned count” field non-zero? Is it growing?

BTW unfortunately, there’s no comprehensive user manual for the Server product, just the online help.


When I double-click the ‘circle-A’ icon in the tray (on the SBS2003 server) nothing happens…no window opens or anything. Although if I hover over the icon it says “avast! On-Access Scanner: 9 provider(s) total, 8 running”. Right-clicking on the icon also does nothing. Why would it not be opening? Also I try running “C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\aswAvast.exe” from the icon that was installed on the SBS2003 desktop…it scans the memory then stops and goes away…no window opens then either.

??? Confused,

I’m using the managed version of the server app. Does this help clarify what I’m needing?


OK, you’re using the managed version. That explains it - as in the managed version, most controls are by default disabled (to prevent people from changing settings etc).

So, first, you need to enable the controls. This is done by modifying properties of the Computer Catalog group in which the server resides.

Also, please note that it will take a couple of minutes after you make the config change to propagate the change to the target machine.
