avast installed its self

on my mothers computer avast installed its self, so iv gone down and and got rid of it. Iv now used one of here usb drives and now i have this crap on my computer. does any one know whats going on with it, iv uninstalled it but im guessing its not gone if it can pass its self through a usb stick

avast doesn’t just install itself out of the blue.
The download/install is always done by a user.

i think you may have more issues that need to be checked …

follow instructions here https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0
we need Malwarebytes and Farbar Recovery Scan Tool logs, attach the logs, 3 logs total

see below the box you write in … Attachments and other options

a log/malware expert will then assist you when online

I thought it might just of been my mum installed it by accident. but I used her USB, it popped up with the avast VPN on firefox and avast was installed on my computer. I all ready have a virus checker on my computer so I wouldn’t install another one (and iv never even heard of avast)

thanks for the help but iv already reported avast for installing softwear on my computer via trashware. I’m going back to Linux soon any way.

plus check out how many people are complaing online over the same problem.

As I said before, avast isn’t just installing itself.
Your mother, you or someone else has told the installer to run.

Even if you have the installer on a USB it doesn’t run when no-one is telling it to do so.
You can set Windows to run/show everything (movies, applications, pictures etc) that is on a usb stick to run/show when it is insert, but that is still the user who has told Windows to do so but that is the users choice.
It is not avast that is starting to run the installer by itself.

There is no silent installation for avast - we often see requests in the forum for a means of silent installation.

There are a number of screens during an installation of avast they would require user interaction, so I’m at a loss as to how it could get installed without user input.

The only alternative is a rogue masquerading as Avast

I understand what your saying but I got a call of my mother saying her internet wasn’t working and it was something to do with avast VPN, then I go down her house and uninstall it. Then I use one of her USBs to put my CV on (I needed to switch it from a .docx to a .doc file I cant do that on word mobile on my computer)

Then I go to send my CV of to a job on my computer and avast VPN comes up and wont let me go online and its installed on my computer

my mother says she didn’t install it and I know I now installed it

iv just been going through this forum this has been going on for years

Re: SecureLine VPN just suddenly appeared!
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2015, 10:36:01 PM »

I just had ‘SecureLine’ show up in the menu bar of my Mac after having installed itself without my permission. I do not want it, did not ask for it and just spent nearly half an hour trying to work out how to uninstall it and found this thread.

It is absolute, complete BS for a supposedly reputable company like Avast to install software without permission, and particularly software that requires payment. I have had it with Avast - uninstalling all their software and this will definitely be my first and only post here.


« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2015, 01:39:58 PM »

I’d like to know how and why the new piece of software installed itself without my permission! It caused me a lot of problems by continually interrupting my work when I was not connected to the internet. I am appalled that Avast, of all people, chose to foist unsolicited software onto its users. I have now deleted it. :-[

submitted 1 year ago by elucubra (reddit)
I still don’t know how it did it, maybe with a hidden approval on an update on the PC, maybe piggibacking on something else. I’m an IT pro, and I’m quite vigilant for these kinds of behavior, so if it got past me it must have been rather stealth and sneaky.

AV companies basically sell trust, and AVAST just shot itself in the foot.

thanks for the help but like I said I’m scrapping windows when I get time. iv been running Ubuntu for the last 4 years (trouble free) iv had this laptop with windows 10 on it for 3 or 4 months iv had it locking up, crashing, running slow iv done 3 factory resets, random stuff installing its self, never ending windows up dates that take forever to install

I remember now why I switched to Linux

first thing I did was format the USB so she wouldn’t infect her other computers with it

I understand what your saying but I got a call of my mother saying her internet wasn't working and it was something to do with avast VPN
That means she (or someone else) did install it.
random stuff installing its self
That is a huge clue. That only happens on a infected system. On clean, well handled/protected systems nothing is ever installed randomly without the users permission.

The examples of posts you gave are all from people who didn’t (don’t?) understand (certain) things.

  • They did gave permission
  • They didn’t had to install all components (custom installation)
  • They could have removed components they did not want

What you are saying with those posts is like
Hé look, it is not my fault I drove into a tree with my car because others have done the same.

100.000 lemmings can’t be wrong.
That is correct, only the one who was showing the way was :wink: