Avast installer won't run

Hey guys, I seem to be having an issue installing avast on a brand new windows 8 system. I uninstalled Norton that was pre-installed and tried to install avast, problem is, once I start the installer the small square splash screen pops up for several seconds then nothing happens at all. It doesn’t seem to be in task manager either. Does anyone have any idea? It doesn’t show any errors, just dissapears.

Did you run the Norton removal tool to eliminate the remnants before trying to install avast ? https://support.norton.com/sp/en/us/home/current/solutions/kb20080710133834EN_EndUserProfile_en_us;jsessionid=5B5F4AD35D90F251442AF222181BFF2A.4?entsrc=redirect_pubweb&pvid=f-home