avast! interface/skins again ::)


I get that feeling when i want to kill someone. Good for him thats somewhere out of reach of my hands :stuck_out_tongue:
I mean how can he say its badly arranged and trashy WTF!? Primitive looking!?


Down boy!..down!

Ok, maybe his comments were not kind, but in essence, not far from fact.
Avast does consume somewhat more resources than other AVs but does more with them! I certainly would not try to compare Avast with AVG or AntiVir.

Avast has had many complaints of uninstallation problems as evidenced by forum posts but they are easily fixed using AVClear. Not uncommon. Donā€™t most programs have an ā€œuninstallā€?

One must remember that if a user has NO problems and a program does what it is supposed to do, then the AV is great!
On the other hand, if the user has installation problems and false positives and other usage trouble, then the AV is trash.

Keep an open mind and value Avast for what it truly isā€¦
a great AV that is still in infancy but growing fast!!!

(Alrightā€¦so I sound like a proud Avast Daddy. It is Fathers day you know!)

Heuristics would be nice for the Standard Shield, so I would agree with him there.

I posted thereā€¦ I cannot believe in the way discussion goes there.
Sometimes I though the users do not have enough knowleage to post ::slight_smile:
(Technodrome, do you forgive me? Sometimes, wildersā€™ forum does not give us the best it can 8))

If you need any help, let me know! >:(

Well RejZor my friendā€¦ what to say ? There will always be some jealous people out thereā€¦ if they can not find avast! program problems, they will hunt for skinsā€¦ if they canā€™t find any skins problem, they will find something third, and so on, and so onā€¦

I like those people, they are unable to make something constructive and useful themselves, so their only occupation is to spread bad words about some software productsā€¦ blah, blah, blahā€¦ but, I donā€™t care anymoreā€¦ Iā€™ve learned (THANKS CoJo !!!) that I have to listen to you guys, true avast! users and lovers. Every single comment (bad or good) from you is welcomeā€¦ if Iā€™m able to fix it, Iā€™ll do that right away, if not, Iā€™ll still try to find some solutionā€¦ Just take a look in here (take a good look at timmingsā€¦ what time Le Doc asked me, and what time problem was fixed ? Few minutesā€¦ few minutes only):

>>> Link to Prove it <<<

I donā€™t know what those people wants from us guys !

Iā€™m not surrender and I donā€™t know how to give up on things. My parents taught me wellā€¦ I guessā€¦ and best of all, I love this forum and these people. We stands for each other like real friends, but you donā€™t have to fight verbal fightings just for me guysā€¦ flamming is not niceā€¦ however, if they say something against our beloved, oneā€™nā€™only antivirus - avast!, then count on me in your verbal-fighting-lines ! ;D