Avast interfering with sending e-mail

Hello all,

I am running Avast 5.1.889 and I use Thunderbird as my e-mail client.

In recent weeks and on more than one computer, I’ve been having problems where sending e-mail gives me an error that the SMTP server connection was lost in the middle of the transaction. Also got one or two errors about not being able to write to a spool file.

The errors go away if I turn off scanning of outbound SMTP e-mail in Avast.

While I’m more concerned with scanning inbound than outbound, I still do want to scan outbound just in case a virus sneaks in somehow.

The current configuration has worked well for at least a year until a few weeks ago.

At some point, I did change a router…not sure if that could have made a difference and I don’t recall whether the timing of that was simultaneous with the timing of these errors, but I have not seen any other form of worsening web performance, so I doubt it has anything to do with the router.

Any help much appreciated!

Ross K
Boulder, CO

I work on an ISP help desk and this problem has been causing phone calls to our help desk for about a month now.

As I do not use Avast (Mac User) my only option has been to have the customer turn of the outbound filter.

A HowTo with pictures which would show how to remove/update the current settings would be great.
